Did you know you can recycle plastics from practically every room in your home? Your recycled plastic pots, tubs, trays and bottles can be reborn as furniture, children’s toys, football shirts and even other bottles.
Look around your home: empty yoghurt pots, margarine tubs, fruit or veg trays and every type of plastic bottle can be recycled and made into other useful products. Whether your bottles contained beauty products, drinks, shampoo, bleach, cooking oil or ketchup, they can be recycled and turned into great new things.
We can recycle more
At the moment, we only recycle 27% of plastics in Surrey. The rest are thrown away – a move that’s bad for the planet and expensive for the taxpayer. If every Surrey adult recycled one extra plastic bottle a week it would save taxpayers more than £200,000 a year in waste disposal charges.
So set yourself a challenge: can you find more plastic to recycle? For more information on how to recycle plastics at home or at our recycling centres, visit the our recycling and refuse webpage.
Thank you for rethinking your rubbish, and recycling more.