Nominations now open for Living and Ageing Well in Surrey Awards 2015
With more people in Surrey living longer, do you know someone or perhaps a group or initiative, improving life for older people by helping them live and age well? Then why not put them forward for a Living and Ageing Well in Surrey award? Nominations are open until midnight on Wednesday 7 October and the organisers are after nominations in these nine categories:- Best Transport Project
- Technology, Making a Difference Award
- Bringing the Community Together Award
- Best Healthy Living Project
- Help at Home Award
- Information and Advice
- Carers’ Support
- Dementia Support
- People’s Choice - Outstanding Individual (volunteer) and Outstanding Individual (paid staff member).
Entry forms and more information For more information on each category, visit Living and Ageing Well in Surrey Awards. Download an entry form from the same website or collect a printed copy from your local library, information hub, volunteer centre or from Age UK Surrey. The Award categories are based on things identified by older people in Surrey as being important to them as they age. They are also the basis of pledges we have made as part of Surrey’s Commitment to Ageing Well. Nominate now So if you know somebody who makes your local community a better place to live, nominate them today. Use the entry form to explain, in 400 words, why they deserve an award or send a film clip instead. You can also nominate yourself.