There's plenty to entertain the kids with this half term. Have a look at what's on offer and find out how to book.
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With All Hallow’s Eve just around the corner, why not rethink your rubbish this Halloween and recycle more. Don’t forget to reduce what you use, reuse what you can and recycle what’s left. Here are some tips to help save you money and cut the rubbish left over from your spooky celebrations.
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140 school pupils took part in Local Democracy Week events at the Town Hall this month and got a flavour of what local politics is all about. Find out how young people in the borough can get more involved in local democracy.
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If you need extra water for medical reasons or are worried about bogus callers then this new scheme will offer you peace of mind.
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Spending Christmas alone is a daunting but very real prospect for some.
This year you could volunteer and help make it special for others less fortunate.
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