Whats on ..
It's a great month for networking. Don't miss out book your spaces today.
Learning Lunch Managing Your Cash 15 July, 12-2pm Town Hall, Castlefield Road, Reigate RH2 0SH Esther Guy or Natasha Baker from A4C group will be speaking at the learning lunch. Book you space on this learning lunch about managing your cash and have the opportunity to network with other local businesses over lunch.
Redhill Microprenuers Social 15 July from 7.30pm The Junction Pub, Redhill, RH1 1RD Turn up on the night, see website for more information.
Redhill Micropreneurs Co-working Day 21 July 9am -4.30pm Max's Kitchen, 26 Holmethorpe Avenue, Redhill, RH1 2NH Turn up on the day, see website for more information.
R&R Connects 30 July from 5.30pm Jolly Farmers, Buckland Road, RH3 7BG A popular local networking event. RSVP to Morrisons Law
grow your business |
Apply by 8 July for Coast to Capital Grants.
Small grants capital grants of between £5,000 and £20,000 for businesses looking to create new jobs. Business growth grant a capital grant of between £15,000 and £100,000 to support high growth businesses looking to create new jobs.
These grants are always very popular and the fund is limited so don't miss out.
Britians top real role model competition celebrates and rewards entrepreneurialism. Amway UK is looking for exceptional 'Passionpreneurs' who have turned their hobby or passion into a viable commercial venture for a chance to win £5,000 towards the start up costs of developing your business proposition or activity. Deadline 11 September. Find out more
Nectar Business Small Business Awards 2015 recognise and celebrate success, best practice, innovative ideas and outstanding achievements.The prize package includes: £2,000 cash, 50,000 Nectar points and national media publicity. for six category winners. Deadline 24 July. Find out more.
The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) has alerted us to a new scam where businesses are contacted soon after registering with Companies House and asked to pay a “fee”. The letter from Register of Companies and Businesses purports to be linked to Companies House, claiming the recipient is required to “confirm their registration”.
Small businesses from any location or sector in the UK can apply to take part in this year’s Small Biz 100. Small Business Saturday is the UK's most successful small business campaign. Last year 16.5 million adults supported a small business on Small Business Saturday, with 64% of the UK aware of the campaign.
Win' crowd funding success
Win' Hoyte a Redhill designer, set up Mancinism Designs. Win' went through Reigate and Banstead Borough Councils Entrepreneurs Academy last year. This year he was awarded a Reigate and Banstead business support grant to trademark his brand and fund his kick-starter campaign. The kick-starter campaign ended on the 31 June and he has successfully raised the £4,500 he wanted to buy stock, a sewing machine and vinyl cutter.
Well done Win', find out more information on Win and his company Mancinism Designs
We have a huge wealth of Science Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) innovation within the area. It would be great to see this represented at the SATRO's Stemx awards. These awards celebrate and publicise the STEM skills amongst young people in the region and encourage them to make the most of the many opportunities that exist.
There are six award categories, each with a different focus
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75% of domestic abuse victims are targeted at work. Once a person leaves an abusive partner they are especially vulnerable at work, as it may be the only place they can be located, or harmed.
If you have a question or would like some help please feel free to contact us:
Simon Bland , Economic Prosperity Programme Manager 01737 276303 @SeblandSimon
Cath McDermott, Economic Prosperity Programme Officer 01737 276008 @Cath_McDermott