In this issue
Whats on ..
Funding news
Scam involving recently registered companies
Interested in being one of this year’s Small Biz 100 companies?
Win' crowd funding success
Does your STEM business deserve an award?
The benefits of volunteering
Why should domestic abuse be a concern to an employer?
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Win' crowd funding success
Win' Hoyte a Redhill designer, set up Mancinism Designs. Win' went through Reigate and Banstead Borough Councils Entrepreneurs Academy last year.  This year he was awarded a Reigate and Banstead business support grant to trademark his brand and fund his kick-starter campaign.  The kick-starter campaign ended on the 31 June and he has successfully raised the £4,500 he wanted to buy stock, a sewing machine and vinyl cutter.

Well done Win', find out more information on Win and his company Mancinism Designs
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