Looking for a new role?
If you are looking for a new challenge to make use of your interest in local democracy and your head for figures, joining the Council’s panel for councillors’ expenses could be just the role for you. The Independent Remuneration Panel advises the Council on the level and type of expenses paid to its elected representatives. Comprising of three individuals, it currently has one vacancy for a period of three years.
Skills and expertise
We’re looking for someone with experience of public life who has the ability to command respect within the Council and inspire confidence among residents. Candidates should also be able to understand comparative and financial data and, ideally, have an understanding of decision making structures in local government or the public sector. If you fit this profile and can commit to taking part in approximately four meetings per year (usually around October to November), please consider applying.
How to apply Members of the panel are paid a modest remuneration in recognition of their contribution, and expenses incurred in attending meetings are reimbursed. Panellists must have no connection with the Council or be members of any political party. Full information, including a role profile, person specification and details of how to apply, is on our Members’ Allowances webpage. The deadline for applications is Thursday 12 March.