Stay well this winter
With the clocks going back and temperatures dipping, winter is on its way. So now’s the time to start preparing for winter and making sure you keep warm, keep well and are prepared and safe. Simply follow our three-step plan.
Step 1 - Keep Warm - Heat your home to at least 18oC.
- Fit draught proofing to seal any gaps around windows and doors.
- Insulate your loft, hot water cylinder and pipes.
- Draw your curtains and shut doors to help keep the heat in.
- Get your boiler checked and serviced annually.
- Wrap up warm; wear layers and a hat.
- Find out about financial help that might be available - speak to your local Citizens Advice Bureau.
- Contact Action Surrey for up-to-date grant information. Call them on 0800 783 2503 or visit the Action Surrey website.
- Read our article, Is your home due an MOT? for more ways Action Surrey can help.
Step 2 - Keep Well - Have plenty of hot food and drinks and eat at least five portions of fruit and veg every day.
- Catch germs in a tissue and wash your hands.
- Stock up on tinned and frozen foods.
- Drink plenty of fluids.
- Have your flu jab – if you’re over 65 it’s free!
- Keep active indoors and out. Visit your local leisure centre or enjoy some of our great parks and countryside areas.
- Get help early; ask your pharmacist for advice if you’re not feeling well or for a non-emergency, call 111.
Step 3 - Be Prepared and Safe - Keep your medicine cabinet stocked and arrange repeat prescriptions in good time.
- Stay up-to-date with weather reports from the Met Office or listen to BBC Surrey (104.6FM)
- Sign up for flood warnings on the government's flood warning webpage and consider making a flood plan if your home is at risk.
- Look out for your neighbours.
- For vulnerable residents – join your utility provider’s Priority Service Register.
- For those with mobility or sight problems, or if you use a dialysis machine at home, join Thames Water’s Special Assistance Register.
- Call Surrey Fire and Rescue for a free Home Fire Safety visit on 0800 085 0767 or via Surrey County Council's website.