Celebrate. Remember. Fight back.
This July, there’s a fantastic opportunity to take part in an overnight fundraising event at Priory Park in Reigate and raise money for Cancer Research UK. Relay for Life aims to bring you and your community together to unite against cancer, as well as giving you the chance to have some fun. Cancer never sleeps
Relay for Life sees teams take it in turn to walk about the track in the park for up to 24 hours to remind us all that ‘cancer never sleeps’. The teams can be made up of anyone who wants to take part - parents, volunteers, school pupils, youth group members – everyone is welcome, no matter how old or young and no matter how fit (or otherwise). A date for your diary
Relay for Life is on Saturday 13 July 2013, beginning at 12pm. If you are interested in being part of a relay team and getting involved then visit the Relay for Life website or contact Laura Senekal (Relay For Life Reigate Events Chair) on 07914 418619 or email laura@relayforlifereigate.org.