What do you think of our 5 year plan?
Our 5 year plan
Did you know we have a 5 year plan, called our Corporate Plan, that explains how we will deliver services to people living and working in our borough?
We’ve developed it after consulting with residents, businesses, voluntary organisations and lots of others who help make Reigate & Banstead a great place to live and work. We’re after feedback on the latest draft, ahead of it being formally being published early in 2015. So if you can spare five minutes please take part in our short survey to let us know if we’re on the right track.
Our 5 year plan explains what we want to achieve and the challenges we face, including financial ones. The priority areas are:
People – supporting residents to enjoy healthy and happy lifestyles
This involves:
• supporting people into employment, particularly vulnerable families and young people • working with other organisations to provide great services for older people so that they can stay independent • encouraging everyone to have healthy lifestyles, and to make use of our leisure centres and parks • improving safety, working with the police and others.
Places – a great place to live and work
These planned activities include: • encouraging existing businesses to thrive and grow and attracting new businesses into the area • making sure our towns and public spaces are attractive for all • delivering affordable and other housing, employment space and infrastructure, while protecting the borough’s pleasant environment.
The council
We will be working to:
• be financially self-sufficient by 2020 • engage with residents and businesses to help improve the services we offer • increase the income from, and value of, our property and assets • create a forward thinking, innovative and entrepreneurial organisation.
Visit 'Our 5 year plan' on our website for more information and to take part in the survey. It closes on 17 November so please get online and give us your views.