Adult social care, care homes and transport
Older people's residential care homes
Surrey County Council is encouraging residents affected by a change to the services provided by six of its care homes for older people to fill in a short survey. The deadline on this consultation, which includes Park Hall in Reigate, has been extended until 30 January.
Surrey County Council says that the care homes are currently under used and are not designed to meet changing needs and new standards for accommodation. To find out more and complete the survey, visit the consultation's page of the Surrey Says website.
Adult care and support services
Do you or someone you know currently pay towards adult care and support services such as residential, nursing or home care? Surrey County Council is thinking about making changes to its current policy on charging for adult care. This is partly due to bringing in the necessary legal changes through new legislation, the Care Act 2014 but also to raise more income, enabling Surrey County Council to provide more care services than it could otherwise afford. You can complete the survey on charging policy for adult care online until 26 January. Extended deadline for transport survey By popular demand, a survey from Surrey County Council on local transport from has been extended. It’s a quick survey asking about residents’ use of buses as well as what stops them using buses. The local transport review survey is available online until Monday 2 February,