Whats on ..
It's a great month for networking. Don't miss out book your spaces today.
Learning Lunch Managing Your Cash 15 July, 12-2pm Town Hall, Castlefield Road, Reigate RH2 0SH Esther Guy or Natasha Baker from A4C group will be speaking at the learning lunch. Book you space on this learning lunch about managing your cash and have the opportunity to network with other local businesses over lunch.
Redhill Microprenuers Social 15 July from 7.30pm The Junction Pub, Redhill, RH1 1RD Turn up on the night, see website for more information.
Redhill Micropreneurs Co-working Day 21 July 9am -4.30pm Max's Kitchen, 26 Holmethorpe Avenue, Redhill, RH1 2NH Turn up on the day, see website for more information.
R&R Connects 30 July from 5.30pm Jolly Farmers, Buckland Road, RH3 7BG A popular local networking event. RSVP to Morrisons Law