Reigate Heath survey
Do you visit Reigate Heath? Or perhaps you have visited in the past but not been for a while? If so, you can take part in the latest consultation about our plans for the Heath.
Management plan
Reigate Heath is a rare example of lowland heath habitat and, since 1993, Reigate & Banstead Borough Council, Reigate Heath Golf Club and volunteers have carefully managed the heath through a series of management plans to protect and enhance this scientifically important and visually valuable area. The management plan, which is committed to restoring the heath’s habitat to 27% heathland, 35% grassland and 38% woodland by February 2018, is now due for review and part of that review includes asking current users of Reigate Heath what might improve their experience and former users of Reigate Heath what discouraged them from visiting.
Take part You can take part online. The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete and closes on Friday 22 April.