Funding opportunity for local community-based projects
Are you involved with a local community-based project that makes a real difference to people’s lives? If so, why not bid for funding from Surrey County Council's Community Improvements Fund (CIF) to enhance where you live?
Open until 22 July, the Fund will consider bids from £10,000 to £30,000 for one-off capital schemes for community improvements.
Recent projects across Surrey to benefit from the Fund include:
• St Luke’s Church, Reigate to pay for building improvements including an additional meeting room for use by community groups • a new activity centre building for Scout and community use, bid for by the 1st Byfleet Scouts in Woking • refurbishment of a running track and improved facilities, open to all, at Mill Lane Athletics Track in Hurst Green • development of an indoor café area for the local community to meet at, in Hambledon.
How to apply
You will need to show how your project will:
• improve community facilities • bring wider community benefit • make a real difference to people’s lives • encourage communities to take greater responsibility for local issues and encourage people to work together.
You can speak to your local County Councillor; use the ‘My nearest’ option on Surrey County Council’s website to find their details. Or contact Joanna Long, Surrey County Council’s Community Partnership & Committee Officer for our area.
Visit Surrey County Council' Community Improvements Fund webpage for full details and the all-important application form.