Money worries? Help is at hand
It’s that time of year when the annual bills start landing on your doormat. If you’ve got money worries and are finding it hard to keep up with payments, there’s lots of help and support available. Contact your creditors If you’re struggling to pay your bills, contact your creditors as soon as possible to let them know and seek independent advice. If you’re unable to meet your mortgage payments it is vital to talk to your mortgage lender immediately otherwise you risk losing your home. If they contact you, be sure to respond. Ignoring the problem can cause things to escalate. Often you will be able to come to an arrangement with creditors about re-paying what you owe, such as setting up a new payment arrangement. Get independent advice There’s a whole range of organisations out there which can offer independent advice to help you take control of your situation. - Community Debt Advice offers free, confidential advice to help residents in the Redhill area with their money problems. Visit or call them on 01737 887558.
- Citizens Advice Bureaux provide free debt advice by phone and face to face from premises in Banstead, Horley and Redhill. Find out more at or phone 08444 111 444. Text Relay 08444 111 445.
- National Debtline is a free, confidential service providing independent advice about dealing with debt, run by the charity Money Advice Trust. Get information online or via a web chat at or on freephone 0808 808 4000.
- The Money Advice Service, set up by the Government, gives free, unbiased money advice online, over the phone and face to face. Visit or call 0300 500 5000 (Text Relay: 18001 0300 500 5000).
- If you are a tenant of a housing association, talk to them. Many have their own advice and support schemes to help you manage your money.
Benefits help Depending on your circumstances, you may be entitled to claim certain benefits. For more information visit Beware of loan sharks If you have borrowed from a loan shark, or illegal money lender, you can get advice or report illegal money lenders anonymously on 0300 555 2222. Fair affordable lending Surrey Save Credit Union offers a fair affordable alternative to high-cost lenders for people living or working in Surrey. It is a not for profit community bank offering competitive savings accounts and flexible loans with no early repayment penalties. Visit or call 01932 339290.