What’s your recipe for a great Christmas meal?
Look before you book What’s your recipe for a great Christmas meal? If you’re going out this year, make sure one of your ingredients is one of the 733 of restaurants in the borough with a good food hygiene rating this Christmas. 95% of restaurants in the borough have a hygiene rating of 3 or above so there’s plenty to choose from! Look out for the green and black food hygiene rating stickers displayed on windows and doors. If you can’t see a sticker, then ask staff inside or check online at www.food.gov.uk/ratings. You can keep up to date when you’re on the go as well by using the FHRS app. Staying in? If you’re staying in, don’t let an upset stomach ruin your festive feast! Here are our twelve food safety tips:
- Washing the turkey: Don’t wash the turkey (or other poultry) in the kitchen sink as it spreads bacteria.
- Cooking: Never undercook poultry (e.g. chicken, turkey and duck). Cook until the juices run clear of blood.
- Leftovers: Cool down quickly and refrigerate immediately; reheat to a high temperature (piping hot) and eat within three days.
- Handwashing: Have plenty of hot water and soap and dry your hands thoroughly.
- Kitchen cloths: Warm, damp cloths are breeding grounds for all food poisoning bacteria. Change frequently.
- Cleaning: Use a disinfectant to clean worktops. Read and follow the instructions carefully as some have to be left for 15 minutes before wiping off.
- Fridge space: Ensure you have adequate space for the Christmas foods (drinks can always be chilled using cool boxes or bags or even left outside).
- Fridge temperature: Buy a refrigerator thermometer and ensure it runs between 0◦C and 5◦C.
- Use by dates: Always consume by the Use-by date as you cannot rely on your senses to indicate whether harmful bacteria is present in food.
- Preparing a buffet: Cold items for a buffet should remain covered and in the fridge until the last minute. Don't keep them out for more than four hours.
- Avoid cross contamination: Keep all raw food separate from ready-to-eat foods to avoid cross-contamination. Use separate chopping boards.
- Defrosting: Check there’s no ice in the body cavity of your Christmas bird and that the legs and wings move freely.