Clearing out your old clothes? We can help.
If you’re planning a clear out this Easter, you can recycle more than you think at our borough-wide textile recycling banks in a variety of places including supermarket and town centre car parks and at stations.
Here’s a quick checklist of the things we can accept for recycling, as long as they are clean and dry: - underwear
- socks
- tights
- sheets
- towels
- handbags
- belts
- shoes (paired)
- clothes
- ties
- hats
- gloves.
Please recycle any of these using our textile recycling banks and avoid throwing them in the bin – a move that’s expensive for the taxpayer as disposing of rubbish costs money. Did you know? Last year in Surrey more than 11,500 tonnes of clothes and home textiles were thrown away that could have been reused or recycled instead. What happens to textiles dontated for recycling? They’re either sorted to be used again in the UK or abroad, or recycled into new products like felt, insulation or stuffing. So if you’re having a clothing clear out, please don’t bin them. Bring them along to one of our textile recycling banks. Thank you for rethinking your rubbish and recycling more.