Every household in the borough has been sent important voter registration information to check as part of our annual canvass. Please respond to this form now if you haven’t already.
A memorial event to honour a Victoria Cross hero and a free, interactive family event are among the events coming up to remember the borough and its residents’ role in the First World War.
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If you stop smoking for 28 days, you’re five times more likely to stop for good. New laws come into force on 1 October making it illegal to smoke in any vehicle with someone under 18 present. So there’s now one less place to smoke and one more reason to sign up to Stoptober.
Are you looking for a new opportunity to help your community? East Surrey Community Mediation is offering three confident, calm and open minded individuals the chance to join its dedicated team of mediators.
Do you know what anti-social behaviour is and which agency is best placed to help solve any local problems you have? To help residents make the right decisions Surrey Police and partners are launching the first Antisocial Behaviour Awareness Week.