Democracy from your armchair
It’s now easier than ever to keep abreast of local decision-making with new webcasting technology on our website. Webcasting is how we broadcast council meetings through the internet. Reigate & Banstead’s full Council, Executive and Planning meetings are now filmed and broadcast live via our website, enabling you to watch debate as it happens, hear discussion from your local councillors and see decisions being made. Recordings are then stored on our website so that they can also be watched at a later date. Search for issues that affect you
You can also use search facilities in the webcasting software to, for instance, find out when issues related to your neighbourhood or town centre are being discussed. Similarly, if you have particular interests, you can search by key words such as ‘car parks’, ‘sports facilities’, ‘finance’ and so on, enabling you to keep up to date on local issues. Webcasting of our meetings was launched on 12 February with the meeting of the full Council, and progressively our library of webcast meetings available to watch will increase over time. Watch the extracts that interest you most
You do not have to watch entire meetings just to see the part that matters to you. Once a meeting has been recorded, you can use the links in the webcast to jump to different agenda items or to different speakers. You can also view the presentations and meeting papers that participants in the meeting itself have before them. Why not visit our website to find out what’s being discussed about your area? Visit