Christmas and New Year recycling and refuse collection day changes
Don’t forget that over Christmas and New Year there will be changes to your recycling and refuse collection days. If you’re unsure what bins to put out when, check using ‘where I live’ or see the Bank Holiday collection page on our website. ‘Rethink your rubbish’ for a better Christmas Even at this festive time, when we treat ourselves, there are ways of making our money go further, reusing what we can and recycling what we can’t. Here are some of our cheery tips to get you thinking: - We spend an average of £170 a family on our big Christmas food and drink shop. The Love Food Hate Waste advent calendar is full of money-saving hints and advice
- Looking to spend less on festive food? Check out online options for food near or just past its best before date but still safe to eat. Options include: Approved Food and Clearance XL.
- Avoid bulging bins – try to recycle as much of your rubbish as you can – and save your refuse bin for rubbish that can’t be reused or recycled. Don’t forget to squash your recycling (cardboard boxes, plastic bottles etc.) where you can.
- And don’t forget to ‘recycle it right’ by placing the correct things in your mixed recycling bin – and remember to put paper and card in the separate black box. Remind yourself of what can and can’t go in each container on our website or check out our ‘recycle it right’ flyer (PDF).
Wishing you happy holidays full of maximum fun and minimum waste! New Year recycling resolution Looking for inspiration for your New Year resolutions? Why not pledge to rethink your rubbish and recycle more?