RH Networking

Business Networking for the RH postcode area


Do you want to grow your business?
Do you need to make new contacts and grow your network?
Do you own or manage a business in the RH postcode area or the neighbouring postcodes of BN, TN, CR, KT or GU?


RH Networking is open to all business owners, managers or other professionals that are looking to grow their network in the local area across the South East.

Informal meetings are held within the RH area and online.

Why not come along and meet other professionals?

Whether you are a builder, financial advisor, estate agent, face painter, life coach, cake maker, handyman, dress designer or any other local business, with a shop, office or if you service the RH area, you will be welcome.

We hold informal business meetings to discuss any issues, problems or new opportunities. Each evening event has a sponsor.

Find us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn and join the discussion with other local businesses.

Membership for 2024 is just £12 per month*
*plus a one off £25 joining fee

Membership includes:
Core venue based events - dates listed HERE
Special events
Profile listing on RH Website
Access to members only WhatsApp group

If you would like to know more about RH Networking please
contact Dan via email: info@rhnetworking.co.uk

Minimum membership term is 4 months (then just one month notice)

"I joined R H Networking’s first face-to-face event at the Harlequin theatre in January 2020. At the time I was looking for a networking group that was welcoming and less formal to other groups I had previously tried. Dan greeted me with his smiley face and I knew instantly I was going to enjoy the evening! I met lots of interesting people, many who I had lots in common with. One year on and I’ve built some lovely relationships with members through the virtual networking sessions and have had the opportunity to work with a few members to profile their business and implement a PR strategy. As this is such a lovely group of friendly professionals, I can highly recommend coming along as I’m confident you will enjoy networking within this group as much as I do."
Zoe Symonds - Polka Dot Media