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A bad smell in Redhill
Environment Agency logo

Residents have been in touch about the unpleasant smell from Biffa’s Redhill landfill site. Particularly noticeable since January, the odour has prompted the Environment Agency (the EA - responsible for inspecting and monitoring the site) to investigate.

Biffa has been asked to come up with a site management improvement action plan with deadlines they must meet. The EA is monitoring Biffa’s progress with regular site improvements. And it is monitoring odours in the wider Redhill area when it receives complaints.   

So if you notice a bad smell in the area please let the (EA) know by calling its Incident Hotline on 0800 80 70 60 (free of charge, 24 hours a day).

Visit the EA’s web site if you’re interested in knowing more about:

  • why the landfill smells
  • why it became worse in January
  • what’s being done about it
  • and how the site is regulated.

Biffa also provides more general information on its Redhill landfill site on its website.

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