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Don’t let drink sneak up on you
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A couple of glasses at home, a few after work … After a long day many of us like to unwind with a nice glass of something. But it’s
funny how drink can sneak up on us. And this doesn’t help our organs, giving our body a hard time. Regularly drinking over the guidelines (Change4Life) can lead to serious health problems, from liver damage to a greater risk of getting cancer or having a heart attack.


The good news is that cutting down doesn’t have to mean giving up. All you need do is stick within the guidelines – one for women and another for men. You’ll probably notice the benefits* quite quickly including:

  • feeling better in the mornings and feeling in better shape generally
  • having more energy and feeling less tired in the day
  • better looking skin
  • losing a few pounds or not gaining weight.

Checking out how much you drink

Start by jotting down what you drank over the last week. Then see if you are drinking over the lower-risk guidelines. You can check online on the Change4Life website.

And there’s now a handy app for smartphone users to help you track what you drink.

Start to cut back

If you’re above the guidelines, why not start to cut back straight away? Swap your usual for:

  • a smaller drink
  • a lower-strength drink
  • a drink with a mixer
  • a soft drink or glass of water
  • a drink later than usual
  • a drink with a meal only
  • a cup of tea or coffee.

And why not have alcohol-free days sometimes.

Other ways to wind down

If you drink to unwind, try finding other ways to relax:

  • pamper yourself with a bath
  • sip a cup of herbal tea
  • rediscover your music collection
  • catch up with a friend over the phone
  • walk the dog
  • start a new hobby
  • go for a run, walk or swim
  • join a club or gym.

Or use the money you’ve saved from drinking less to treat yourself – a trip to the cinema, a day out, a nice meal…

Drinking less now can make a big difference to your health later on. So don’t let drink sneak up on you - catch it out and cut it back.

* If you do have physical withdrawal symptoms take medical advice before stopping completely as it can be dangerous to do this too quickly without proper advice and support.

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