What's on
9 March 8-9.30am Chamber Connections, Reigate Heath Golf Club. A relaxed networking event hosted by Surrey Chambers of Commerce. Find out more
14 March 10-4pm BizOpps Europe 2016 Surrey National Golf Club, Chaldon Near Caterham. A showcase of business opportunities available within Europe. Find out more
16 March 12-2pm Learning Lunch, Town Hall, Reigate Marketing Strategy/Business Award Applications with Nicola McDonald from Attractive Marketing
22 March 9-11am How can you motivate your staff to bring their best effort to work? Breakfast Workshop Town Hall, Reigate. Book your space now.
23 March 9-5pm Redhill Micropreneur and Freelancers Group, Max's Kitchen, Holmethorpe Industrial Estate. Find out more
31 March 5.30-7.30pm Redhill & Reigate Connects, popular Reigate networking event run by Morrisons Solicitors, Venue TBC. For more information
18-22 April UKTI Export Week A series of events to encourage business to start or increase international business.
18 May 12-2pm Learning Lunch, Town Hall, Reigate Trade Marks and Patents with David Gill from WP Thompson Intellectual Property
15 June 12-2pm Learning Lunch, Town Hall, Reigate Provisionally Social Media with James Dempster from Cobb Digital
13 July 12-2pm Learning Lunch, Town Hall, Reigate Innovation in Business with John Bottomley from Int-Elect