Promoting healthy relationships
Surrey Domestic Abuse (DA) Awareness Week takes place from 14 to the 19 of October. A changing definition Last year, the definition of domestic abuse expanded to include “patterns of threatening behaviour towards people aged 16 years and over”. This year, during Domestic Abuse Awareness Week (14-19 October), we’ll be working with outreach services to promote the support available to 16-18 year olds as well as all residents to encourage healthy relationships. Increasing awareness
The 2011-12 British Crime Survey found that the 16-19 age group was more likely to suffer partner abuse than any other age group. We’re working with our outreach services to make sure young people have access to the information that will help them recognise domestic abuse. During the week, there’ll be information on the Surrey Against Domestic Abuse website and drop in sessions in libraries to promote awareness of healthy relationships and the support that's available. East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services, which covers the borough, will be at the following sessions: - Caterham Valley Library, Tuesday 15 October 12 noon-2pm
- Redhill Library, Thursday 17 October 12 noon-3pm
- Dorking Library, Friday 18 October 12 noon-3pm
Information and support There’s lots of places to go if you need support or want more information about domestic abuse. - Visit East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services website - a local charity which provides a range of services offering emotional and practical support to people and their children who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse as well as to professionals working with people affected by domestic abuse. They can also be contacted on 01737 771350 between 9am and 4pm.
- Call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 if you have information about a crime and don't want to leave your name or visit the Crimestoppers website to report online.
- Call Surrey Police on 101 - however in an emergency always dial 999. Visit the Surrey police website to report online.