Illegal tobacco – a drag on our communities
Illegal tobacco is becoming a national problem. Criminal gangs target vulnerable people by selling cigarettes and hand rolled tobacco at reduced prices. Illicit tobacco has been found across the county by Surrey County Council Trading Standards. The cigarettes are likely to be sold at small shops, street sellers, car boots sales, ice cream values or at places of work. If cigarettes are being offered cheaply, chances are they are illegal. Fight for a clean community Smoking illegal tobacco increases the risks to your health. These illegal products are uncontrolled and can contain very high levels of tar, nicotine, lead and many other dangerous chemicals and contaminants. In some cases they have been found to contain rat droppings or even asbestos. Fight to make sure your community is safe and clean. Don’t turn a blind eye Surrey Crimestoppers is asking residents to report any sightings or suspicions they may have by using their safe, secure and annoymous phone line: 0800 555 111. Visit Surrey Crimestoppers for more information about the campaign.