PCSOs in Redhill town centre

Reducing crime for the long term

Over the past few months, proactive police activity has stepped up in the town centre as part of the 'Clear, Hold, Build' framework, adopted by Safer Redhill. The three-phased approach brings together police, partners and the community to disrupt serious and organised crime and importantly, sustain a reduction in criminal behaviour. Targeted disruptions aim to ‘clear’ offenders from Redhill, followed by sustained intervention to ‘hold’ the area free from crime. The ‘build’ phase focuses on preventative work, driven by the community, to address the root causes of ASB and crime in the town. 


Reigate and Banstead Borough Commander Inspector Jon Vale said: “This initiative is about reducing crime in Redhill for the long-term. Surrey remains the fourth safest county in the UK, but from speaking with residents we know there are concerns about specific patterns of behaviour within the town. It’s important that we are challenging all levels of criminality, as often it can be through disrupting offences such as anti-social behaviour and shoplifting we can see the links, and look to prevent serious and organised crime in the area.

“The increase in arrests reflects the targeted operations taking place in Redhill and I want to reassure residents that it’s this activity that is helping us to identify and root out criminal behaviour. The collaborative effort from partners and the community has been fantastic, and the sustained work on measures within the community I hope will have a lasting impact.”

56 arrests following targeted police activity in Redhill

This is some of the police activity that has taken place over the past two months:

  • 56 arrests for offences including drugs, drink driving, assault, shoplifting, going equipped for burglary and immigration offences.
  • 21 people charged and 39 community resolutions for lower-level offences.
  • 200+ searches with 26 drug seizures (including 10kg of suspected cocaine), along with the recovery of £17,700 in cash and seven knives.
  • Joint operations at Redhill train station with British Transport Police and rail enforcement officers to target county lines drug dealing.
  • Night-time patrols of the town centre with plain clothed behaviour detection officers to identify suspicious or predatory behaviour.
  • Work with local businesses to conduct days of action focused on stopping shoplifters.
  • 11 joint licensing visits with Reigate and Banstead Borough Council to support premises in keeping patrons safe.
  • Patrols of the surrounding road network to disrupt criminals and target driving offences which resulted in 58 Fixed Penalty Notices.
  • Regular community engagement in the town centre and with local schools. 

Watch the short video below (or via this YouTube link) for more information. 


Proactive policing to reduce crime in Redhill

Read the full press release

Other partner news

Redhill Amateur Boxing Club coaches

Community spirit is at the heart of boxing club

Redhill Amateur Boxing Club operates in the centre of Redhill, located just above McDonalds. It’s an England Boxing affiliated club run by qualified volunteers who combine their passion for the sport with their commitment to the local community. The club offers coaching in fitness and technical skills through low cost sessions open to young people and adults across the week.


Through the Safer Streets and Police and Crime Commissioner funding the club has been able to cover some key running costs and is now an active part of the Safer Redhill partnership. Coaches have already been out supporting the Y-Bus, are planning to run self-defence courses for ladies only, and will be involved in our future events (see Cromwell Community Event details below). Alex Moore, a club coach and trustee said “Sharing my love of boxing allows me to develop and support others and our wider community in and around Redhill. Not just with their fitness and sporting goals but more broadly to be the people they aspire to be.”

Find out more
Police and council officers preparing for the ASB campaign

A campaign to help tackle ASB

People working in the town centre for the Police and Reigate & Banstead Borough Council came together this month to help with preparations for our anti-social behaviour campaign. Safer Redhill is working with local marketing agency, The Chain, on an information campaign to encourage people to report anti-social behaviour and help us tackle problem behaviour in the town centre. We'll be testing the campaign over the summer and during the national Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness Week (1 to 7 July) in advance of an anticipated launch in the autumn. You can find out more at the next partner event.

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