8 November 17.45-20.00 RB Inspire - Business Networking Event (Town Hall, Reigate)
Start and grow your small business with free mentoring and tap into the wealth of expertise in the Reigate & Banstead business community. Book Now
22 November: 12.00-14.00 Reigate & Banstead Learning Lunch - How to beat burnout and thrive! (Town Hall, Reigate)
Nikki Paine will give advice on how to identify the key signs of burn out and how to create a resilient lifestyle and mind-set. Book now
23 November RBBA Awards, Reigate Manor
A great evening celebrating local business success! Book now
28 November RH Networking, Hop Stop, Reigate Book now
Business Networking for RH postcodes
13 December 12.00-14.00 Reigate & Banstead Learning Lunch - A festive get together (Town Hall, Reigate)
Come along for a festive networking session with other local businesses. Book now
13 December 17.45 -20.00 RB Inspire - Business Networking Event (Town Hall, Reigate)
Start and grow your small business with free mentoring and tap into the wealth of expertise in the Reigate & Banstead business community. Book now
10 January 17.45-20.00 RB Inspire - Business Networking Event (Town Hall, Reigate)
Start and grow your small business with free mentoring and tap into the wealth of expertise in the Reigate & Banstead business community. Book now
14 February 17.45-20.00 RB Inspire - Business Networking Event (Town Hall, Reigate)
Start and grow your small business with free mentoring and tap into the wealth of expertise in the Reigate & Banstead business community. Book now